Hip Hop

Hip Hop Culture is one of the most powerful tools to help bring people together in an inclusive and peaceful way. It promotes unity through team work whilst also celebrating individuality. Hip Hop has taken its influences from so many places. We are excited to explore further how Wales can develop its Hip Hop identity, while celebrating what Wales has already achieved. 
Hip Hop promotes knowledge of one’s self and the confidence in knowing you can truly achieve what you have set out to do. Just as importantly it’s about fun and enjoying the arts styles, the competitions and finding out what you love about it. 
Hip Hop provides platforms for everyone to rise up. 
Avant host Hip Hop events, and we are developing Hip Hop Theatre in Wales to tour nationally and internationally. We have found that Hip Hop was the art form which helped us as individuals find a voice. We are creating Hip Hop Theatre to give the unheard, diverse stories a space to be heard and their talents realised. #HipHopIsHere 


We support UK Breakin' Become a member today


Previous Jams:

October 2024 - Breakin' at The Lab, Wrexham

March 20th 2024 - Hydro Jam Treherbert

November 4th 2023 - Breakin' Wrexham

October 28th 2023 - All Styles Wrexham

August 11th 2023 - Hip Hop Cymru Wales Breakin', Wrexham

June 17th and 18th 2023 - URDD Urabn Games

July 23rd 2022 - Welcome to Our Woods Treherbert

June 2022 - URDD Urban Games, The first Breakin' event in Wales as part of the URDD Urban Games. 

July 2021 - Experimental and Breakin' Battle, took place at Welcome to Our Woods Treherbert

July 2019 - Full Circle Jr Jam, supported by Pen Y Cymoedd. 

October 2018 - Full Circle a 2v2 breakin competition

Our Full Circle work has been nominated by Voluntary Arts for the Epic Award 2019.

October 19th 2019 Full Circle 2v2 Breakin' Competition

Breakin' Jam's
There has always been much debate in regards to breakin' being a sport an art or a community activity. In truth it is all three. The theatre work demonstrates the artistic side of the discipline, the physical aspect pushes the body to the limit and the technique allows the breakin' to be included in competitions such as the Olympics.

We are developing a jams for the Summer 2023; 1v1 battles (which will contribute to www.ukbreakin.org league), dance, beatboxing, rap, and graf'. More information coming soon, keep eye on our social media for more information. 

In 2023 we were nominated for Welsh Sports Association Innovation award for Hydro Jam and In 2022 we were nominated for a One Dance UK award in the Green Catogaory, celebrating the achievements of the climate friendly Hydro Jam event. Hydro Jam was the worlds first all green powered jam, the stage built from the trees in the woodlands and replaced, the energy powering the DJ's and the mic running off of the hydroelectric power. 

Hip Hop Cymru Wales Jam:
Up coming Jams: 
JAM at Y The Lab 2025 with Japanese partners
More info coming soon

Hip Hop Cymru Wales

Hip Hop Cymru Wales

‘The Welsh contribution to a global culture’ Hip Hop Cymru Wales features stories and images donated by people from across Wales’ Hip Hop community, including DJ’s Breakers, graffiti artists, MC’s and memorabilia. Displaying photographs from the 80s, vinyl records, promotional posters, and interviews with those involved with the community in Wales over the past 40 years.

The most exciting part to this exhibition is that it is open to grow. We have a QR wall, bring your stickers to add your music / podcasts / Vlogs and add them to the National Library of Wales's Peoples collection wales website and #HipHop. Add posters, leaflets and to the exhibition, share about your events past, present and future. Add your crew to the wall, you allias, your story. 

Hip Hop Cymru Wales is created with support of Heritage Lottery Fund Wales, GWR, Eagles Meadow and the proactive collaborative Hip Hop community of Wales.

Hip Hop Cymru Wales, is now on VR Tour

Keep an eye on whats on for new dates and locations.

"I thought that the layout of the space was very well used, and the gallery flowed nicely. There was lots of inclusive exhibitions and kept the theme nicely as an evolution of hip hop and the culture that came with it." Visitor

"Get this EVERYWHERE. PLEASE" Visitor

What took place:

Weekly Larynx Lounges

Click to see the artisits sets and interviews:

Miss Faithee , Meg Uppington

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Weekly Breakin' Sessions

New classes in Wrexham upcoming at The Lab

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Jams, Cyphers, Battles

First session took place August 12th 2023

Then All Styles October 28th 2023

and Breakin' November 4th 2023 

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Wrexham Paint Jam

August 25th and 26th.

and October 27th and 28th

Check out the art work here and at Eagles Meadow -2 Car Park.

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Larynx Live

First session took place August 11th and 12th 2023

and then Novemebr 3rd

Larynx Live 6 - Mace the Great

Game Days

Retro Royal Gaming brought a mix of games which helped share Hip Hop music across the world.

"My daughter has taken part in all the summer school activities over this week and she has absolutely loved it. It’s been brilliant. Thank you to all the people involved in putting it together we’re looking forward to seeing what happens next. Hopefully a lot more things like this." Parent

"I loved it and glad I went out of my way to check it out. Being from Bristol I didn't know as much about the scene

in Wales and was nice to learn more." Visitor

Hip Hop Cymru Wales Hip Hop Cymru Wales interviews

A collection of vlogs with Welsh Graffiti artsits are taking place, these will be available by book but also you can watch some of the inteviews on our youtube page.

Hip Hop Cymru Wales Hip Hop Cymru Wales Podcast

A Podcast to capture oral history for the exhibition. This work has been supported by HLF and GWR.

The Podcasts were released on December 2022 and you can listen here, they are a facinating insight into the development of Hip Hop in Wales. Keep an eye out as more podcasts will be released throughout the year.


Hip Hop Theatre is a growing art form in Wales. We see Hip Hop Theatre as a way to use hip hop techniques to tell stories in creative and exciting ways. 
Previously Avant have created PPPP and Blue Scar which has been performed locally and toured nationally (see more on our Whats On page). 

In 2020 we were awarded a grant by ACW to develop Wales's Hip Hop Theatre and we had exciting partners in place to help us Root Hip Hop Theatre in Wales.

We held a conversation in October 2019 to find out what Wales wanted for Hip Hop Theatre. Check out the video and findings in the blog Rooting Hip Hop Theatre in Wales Conversation One. 

There are more upcoming workshop through the Hip Hop Cymru Wales project. 


Hip Hop Dance with Ivan

Rooting Hip Hop Theatre in Wales is a training programme for Welsh Hip Hop Theatre, for dancers, teachers and the community. 
In partnership with Artists 4 Artists, Avant bring you Ivan Blackstock. A UK Pioneer, to talk you through foundations and share his Hip Hop Dance knowledge. 

Popping with Shawn Aimey

Rooting Hip Hop Theatre in Wales is a training programme for Welsh Hip Hop Theatre, for dancers, teachers and the community. 
In partnership with Artists 4 Artists, Avant bring you Shawn Aimey. A UK Pioneer, to talk you through foundations and share his Popping knowledge. 

Krump with Duwane Taylor

Rooting Hip Hop Theatre in Wales is a training programme for Welsh Hip Hop Theatre, for dancers, teachers and the community. 
In partnership with Artists 4 Artists, Avant bring you Duwane Taylor. A UK Pioneer, to talk you through foundations and share his Krump knowledge. 

Breakin' with Redo

Rooting Hip Hop Theatre in Wales is a training programme for Welsh Hip Hop Theatre, for dancers, teachers and the community. 
Supported by the British Council we have partnered with ILL-Abilities to bring you a Breakin' workshop by Bboy Redo. 

Open Art Surgery 

RCT (2019) and with Ty Pawb (2020) presented Open Art Surgery, where hip hop was dissected, examined and put under the microscope and is helped shape new work being created in Wales.

Get in touch

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